In the midst of my study of miracles, signs, and wonders, I read over a story I’d read numerous times in the past. This time my perspective was a bit different. I paid close attention to minute details and pulled the story into my own time.

This was all inspired by Mark 10:46-52. Find yourself in the piece. Draw from it whatever you need.


Blind Bartimaeus heard Jesus was nearby, so he made the most of his opportunity. He had faith to believe that Jesus could heal him. This was his chance…the chance to receive his healing…his breakthrough. What if Jesus never came around again?

Bartimaeus shouted…calling out to Jesus. The people around him didn’t understand his frustration…his desperation, so they tried to shut him up. Bartimaeus was more concerned about his healing than trying to appease the demands of those around who already had what he wanted the most. (#selah)

The ability to see was something the people around him took for granted. You see, it’s harder to understand the desperation for something you don’t even have a second thought about.

Despite the demands of the people around, Bartimaeus shouted even louder to get Jesus’ attention. Verse 49 says, “When Jesus heard him, he stopped and said, ‘Tell him to come here.’” When was the last time your cry for Jesus caused Him to stop everything and invite you closer? (#selah)

Bartimaeus jumped up and went to Jesus. This was it! This is the moment he’d been anticipating. Jesus, well aware of the ailment of Bartimaeus, asks a very interesting question, “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus replied, “I want to see!”

Why do you suppose Jesus asked the obvious? I often wondered why. It might be because we often times are not aware of our own dysfunction/condition and ask for carnal things that has nothing to do with the healing of our condition. (#selah)

Bartimaeus could’ve asked Jesus for many things…money, a brand new house, or fine clothes, for example. Instead, he asked for the one thing that many perish for…(a lack of vision). [Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish;…” Cleary this verse is not talking about those who are limited by physical blindness, but about those who are spiritually blind.]

Bartimaeus received his breakthrough that day. It awoke something greater inside of him.

It’s one thing to hear stories about healing, but it’s something drastically different for the one who received the healing. This is not something someone can convince you didn’t happen. You’re the living proof of it. Such miracles have the power to change the lives of those in close proximity to the one healed.

Lay hands on a blind atheist of agnostic, commanding their eyes to open, in Jesus name. I highly doubt they will go on believing what they did prior. I doubt they would keep it a secret as well.

What’s my point? Mark 16:17 lists the miraculous signs that ALL believers should be operating in. Jesus Christ has given us authority that we’ve abandoned for far too long. It’s time to see some blinded eyes open, limbs grow, mental disorders vanish, ears pop open, cancer dry up, and even greater works.

As ambassadors of Christ, this is our mandate. Don’t get too comfortable while you’re in this foreign land. This is not our home.

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2 thoughts on “Breakthrough Is Near: Cease the Opportunity”

  1. Thank you so much for this. Sometimes I find myself getting to comfortable in this world. I truly have to remember this is not my home. I am just passing through. Miss you on YouTube. God Bless!

    1. You’re so sweet. Thank you! I miss creating videos for YouTube. It’s been hard to really focus on that with my work schedule. I hope to make some videos this Summer though. 🙂

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