Ever have those days where it seems everything is going wrong? Those days where it seems as though God is far off in the distance?
Well believe it or not this is all a matter of your mindset. I believe that even on your worst day, if you really thought about it, you could make a list of things to be grateful for. We have a tendency to overlook blessings that come our way on a daily basis. Those things we take for granted.
Personally, some days I find myself in a funk because I’d spent so much time focusing on the negative around me, instead of the things the Lord did for me that day, no matter how big or small.
I came across this idea while scrolling through a friends’ posts on Instagram. I call it my box of daily gifts. It has helped me to put things into perspective, especially when I’m having on of those days.
What you will need:
- Gift box/shoe box
- Pen
- Post it notepad
What to do:
- Write the date at the top
- Jot down 1-3 things that happened throughout the day that you’re grateful for.
Try to do this daily. Allow your mind to be more consumed with gratefulness than worry or sadness, as this is exactly what the devil desires.
(At a later date) Go back and read what the Lord has done for you in the past. Be reminded that even better things lie ahead.
**Psalm 100: 5 “The Lord is good! There is no end to his faithful love. We can trust him forever and ever!”
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