I’ve been asked this questions more times than I can count. And I don’t think I’ve EVER answered it. It wasn’t to be rude or anything, I just honestly didn’t know how to really answer it. (You’ll find out why…keep reading)

This question to me is kinda like asking me why I’m black? I just could not for the life of me conjure up a short and precise answer to respond to everyone, as fast as the question poured in.

So…once and for all, I’m gonna try my best to explain why this was such an odd thing for me, (without being too wordy).

Alright…here goes…

The fact that I have long hair is nothing new to me. Out the womb I had a head full of curly black hair and from then on I’ve had long, thick hair.

Growing up my mom took care of my hair. She knew nothing about taking care of natural hair, but she did her best. Looking back, she used products and  did so many things the natural hair gurus would tell you to stay away from. But guess what? My hair was always thick, long and healthy.

At the age of 9, I got my first relaxer after begging and pleading with my parents (mostly my dad…mom said it was getting too much to manage). Sitting in that salon chair that late evening, I finally realized the true length of my hair. It was around waistlength. This was also the first time scissors touched my hair. I was so mad…then I touched my hair and realized how silky and straight it was. I quickly got over it. I was on cloud 9. Hair Heaven. lol

Throughout the years, as I relaxed my hair faithfully, every 6-8 weeks, my hair grew and grew even though I’d done so much experiments on it.

Years later, I fell in love with natural hair and decided to grow my hair out. Not for one second did I ask myself, “I wonder if my hair will grow long.” Why?

Because I didn’t expect anything different. My hair’s been long from a child, as I went through my relaxed phase, and now as a natural again.

I’m not ignorant, I understand where you guys are coming from when you ask this question, but perhaps you’re asking the WRONG question. Ask me the REAL question…”How can I also achieve healthy hair?”

I tell women all the time, don’t be so quick to have long hair. Focus on achieving healthy hair. Healthy hair is always growing and you’re able to retain it. (Well…most of it)

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One thought on “FAQ: “How Did You Grow Your Hair So Long?””

  1. That is so true, and so many you tubers will create videos on tips to make your hair grow longer or faster. I believe each person hair is going to grow at its specific rate. I don’t believe a certain hair product will make your hair grow over night. The best you can do is take care of your hair and your body because what you put into your body is what it gives back to you. If you want healthy hair take care of it. I would take health over length any day. Great post. God Bless!

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