As I curled up in bed, winding down from my day, I decided to watch Heather and Cornelius’ marriage retreat videos from 2015. Oh man. They were so good. So funny. So real. Cornelius kept ALL the way real. LOL. As I was watching, this thought came to me, which I strongly believe came from the Lord.
In the book of first Samuel chapter 8 (in the bible) it speaks of the time when the Israelites wanted to be like all the surrounding nations. They wanted a king to rule over them. They no longer wanted to be the only nation who relied on God. They no longer saw the value in having Him lead, even though He’s been there Victor this whole time. They’ve experienced miracle after miracle, but apparently that wasn’t enough. They opted to have a man instead of the perfect God.
This relates to the church and also to single women. Most of my focus went to the single women and the way they think. It is now more acceptable to opt for a counterfeit than to be patient and prepare for the real thing. Our society is screaming for a king, not realizing what they are asking for. It’s easy for man to fall. But God is not a man…He cannot lie…He cannot sin…He is Love.
It’s as if we have the option to either have a million dollars or $100, but we are hooping and hollering for the $100. Why? Because we see poverty all around us and we have convinced ourselves that it’s normal. (I hope you catch that we’re not actually talking about money, here). Having the million dollars seems impossible. The thought is…there must be a catch if that option is made. How sad.
Ladies you have a choice to make. Will you settle for $100 or choose what is rightfully yours… that million? It is a slap in the face when we reject God in this manner. It breaks His heart. For those of you who think God has no emotions, like He’s some sort of robot, you’re wrong. And for those of you who are sensitive to the spirit, you can feel when God’s heart is breaking. It’s a terrible feeling.
The Lord has given us all free will, so no one is forced to do, feel, or say anything they don’t want to. The King of kings is madly in love with you. He wants the best for you, not an imitation of it. You are on His mind this very moment.
Not long ago, I actually felt that heavy burden from the Lord. His heart was breaking. Why? Because His daughters continue to choose things that are not of Him. The more you distance yourself from God, the more you give legal access to the devil to come in and wreck your life. It won’t happen overnight… he (the devil) is very subtle. The Lord wants you to know how deep His love is for you. He desires for you to be in your rightful place.
Another thing…forgiveness. Don’t feel too embarrassed to ask God for forgiveness. He is ready and perfectly capable of completely wiping away whatever you did to cause that distance between Him and yourself. After you’ve done that, there are two other crucial decisions to make. You must forgive everyone who has hurt you. Everyone. After you’ve done that the final thing is to forgive yourself. According to the Word of God, you are forgiven just as you forgive, according to Matthew 6:14. So I urge you to be quick to forgive. It lightens the load. It makes life easier.
Put the King back on the throne (of your life) and you will live out  the benefits because of your decision.

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