You are the creator of your world.
You’ve created your (current) world by what you’ve thought, what you’ve said, and what you’ve done.
What you allow your mind to meditate on is crucial.
If you can transform your mind, you can transform your life.
Ideal to help women:
Benefits of Email Coaching (or E-Coaching)
- Never have to be bothered with setting up appointments/ meet ups
- Faster Response (depending on the package chosen)
- More affordable than private 1-on-1 coaching
- Documented journey to go back and see your own progression
- Freedom to move at your own pace
- Ability to think and write out responses before sending them
Standard E-Coaching Package
4 weeks (1 month)
5 Emails per week
Response within 36 hrs
Initial Coaching assessment
Coverage of short term goal(s) and action steps
Limited Access to resources
*Payment plan available.
Accountability E-Coaching Package
3 months/6 months of pure drive and motivation toward your goal.
Weekly progress is sent to Coach (1 email per week)
The job of your Coach is keep you 100% focused on the goal you desire. If you’re tired of just talking about your dreams and are ready to make them happen, this package is for you.
VIP E-Coaching Intensive Package
4 weeks (1 month)
Unlimited emails Mon-Fri
Response within 24 hrs (emails sent on Friday will be answered on Monday)
Free access to all resources
One 30 min Private 1-on-1 Coaching Session
Live Video Demo, if requested
Coverage of goals and action steps
*Payment plan available
Email: coachshaunie@gmail.com for more information