February 15th marks the first month of our 2020 Health and Growth Challenge. After reading the initial post about the challenge, some of you were a bit surprised about the simplicity of the regimen required.
Was this intentional? Absolutely!
I want this challenge to show you that most of you are probably doing way more than you need to… buying a bunch of products you don’t need… which is causing you to not only spend more time than you need on your hair, but you’re dishing out cash that could be put to better use.
With all that said, let’s get into a few things that are popular in the natural hair community, but is not essential for you to reach your goal of health and length:
- Pre-poo treatments (deep conditioning before shampooing)
- Rice water rinse
- Opting for styles that causes you to neglect your hair most of the time. Some may call these “protective styles”. Here’s my recent post about this topic: What is Protective Styling?
- Never using shampoo to properly cleanse hair and scalp.
- DIY treatments/Random Concoctions. (Putting food and/or raw oils and butters are not as beneficial for your hair as you think. Raw oils and butters actually makes it harder for water to fully get in your strands, which is what you need for “moisture”.
- A treatment is not required every time you wash your hair. Overtime, you could be causing more harm, by adding to the hair what it doesn’t need.
Some of you weren’t at all thrilled about a couple other requirements for the challenge: Daily water intake and exercising a few days out of the week.
??Listen. I get it.
But like I said before, there’s a reason for it.
You want healthy beautiful hair, right? Well, as we’ve been programmed to hunt down the latest popular methods, treatments or products to slap on our hair, the truth is … hair growth is from within.
You want your body to be hydrated from your daily water intake, which by the way doesn’t have to be a gallon of water. Even if you have to start with one glass or one bottle a day. I just want you to get in the habit of properly hydrating your body everyday. Before you know it, you won’t even miss the the sugar-packed beverage you typically reach for. You’ll adjust. Think of how it will benefit not just one area, but your entire body. Just making a tiny adjustment can have a major impact.
This leads me to your weekly exercises. As you exercise, you get that blood pumping which helps with our hair growth. For me, I’ve actually decided to push myself and not just exercise the minimum of three days a week, but instead, everyday of the week. Yes, that’s a lot to commit to, but I’ve set a personal goal and in order for me to get there faster than the average person, I’ve decided to dedicate more time to it.
So if you have a personal fitness or flexibility goal, I encourage you to not just remain comfortable with the bare minimum. Don’t let 2020 pass you by and you’re still wishing and hoping. Start today!
Comment below how the challenge is going for you so far.
If you are just finding out about the challenge, it’s not too late to join.
Remember to use the hashtag #CoachShaunie2020 on Instagram to share your starting point, progress, and results.
Need help with anything concerning the challenge? Send me a direct message on Instagram.
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Email coachshaunie@gmail.com
Have any questions or requests for future blogs? Comment below.
Great content! Keep up the good work!
Thank you very much! 🙂
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