It was a Friday night and I’d just gotten back from a gathering. It’d been a loooong day and I just wanted to unwind. I plopped on my bed and grabbed my phone to do some scrolling on social media.
Shortly after, I noticed I had received a request for a private message from a name I’d never seen before. This wasn’t too alarming to me because I’d received private messages before, sometimes business-related other times from guys who are um…interested, I suppose. I quickly clicked on the profile to see what this person was about. As I scrolled down I immediately noticed that nothing was in English. Hmmm… ooookay? Now I’m thinking, maybe this young man just got mixed up. He clearly sent me a message by accident. Anyways, I accepted his request to send me the private message and said hello. There was an immediate response “How are you” followed by “Do you like sex?”.
So as the first question popped up I began responding. As I looked up to see the second question I was absolutely infuriated. I did a screenshot on my phone and I was ready to expose him by putting him on blast on my profile. Then my fleshly desires was pushed aside. The Holy Spirit urged me to abort my plan and simply talk to this person (the carrier of a soul that Jesus also died for). Now I KNOW this was the Lord working through me, cause this is not in my nature to entertain this foolishness. Just keeping it real. Whenever someone whether male or female (yes I’ve gotten it from both genders) start down this road I would simply block them or delete them immediately. That is not my reason for being on social media. But…back to the story.
This young man proceeded by asking my age. Me responding to his ridiculous question from before, I said you must have mistaken me for another girl. He went on and on talking about how beautiful and how sexy I was. I asked if this is what he did on social media? He continued expressing his vulgar desires. I stopped him dead in his tracks and asked “Ever heard of Jesus Christ?” There was a loooong pause and he said “yes”. Clearly he’d never gotten that response before. Hahaha.
I told him that’s who I model my life after and asked what his beliefs were? Another long pause followed by the pop up of his occupation. It was then that I realized that he didn’t know much English. The sex part came out fluently though. Smh. I asked about his primary language and he said Turkish. Said he is from Turkey.  Not long after, I found out that we were actually the same age and that he was in fact a virgin. Yes. Through all his foolishness, I would ask questions to find out more about this individual. I expressed to him that what he expected from me will not happen because I am saving myself for my husband. Apparently, he was also saving himself for his wife, but wanted a filler in between. Clearly that filler was not me. My initial disgust turned to compassion. I had an opportunity to extend grace. The same grace that had been extended to me. This man was in need of Light, light to shed in his dark world. Throughout our conversation, my heart broke for him (let’s just call “him” Jr). Hours before, I remembered something my pastor said that caused an erection of my spine. He asked “Is anyone going to heaven because of you?” #selah
I concluded in my mind that the devil would be sorry he ever messed with me by the time I’m done with Junior. I went into war mode. I thought of Junior as a brother of mine who was seeking love. His solution…virtual sex and masturbation as he expressed, my solution… Jesus Christ. Am I suggesting that all Christians entertain these crude requests or messages from people online? No. I do however, want to encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. Be obedient to his promptings and I strongly believe you could be use to bring people to the saving grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Can I say that Junior turned his life around because of our conversation? No. But what I do know is that I planted a seed. Years ago I would get discouraged because I couldn’t “save” people. The Lord had to sit me down and reveal to me that that was not my job. My job is to simply plant seeds and allow him to do His job. Don’t belittle the power inside of you. Think of it this way… have you ever been in a pitch black room? I live in Florida and with our crazy storms and hurricanes, I’ve had my fair share of power outages. Picture me fumbling through the darkness, making my way to the nearest location with a flashlight. For some reason, there were always a group of them in a drawer, one with the brightest light, a couple in between and one with the weakest light source ever. Most of my life, I walked around feeling like that one flashlight that’s about to die. I didn’t feel that my input was needed or valid. I saw the darkness around me, but ran away from it because I thought they needed someone with a beaming light. But my mind has been renewed. (Thank you Jesus). Can I tell you from personal experience that no matter how bright your light is, you are needed? If you’ve ever been in the situation where your power goes out and you happen to grab that one dull flashlight, is not that light enough to help you do what you need to do or find what you need to find at that current time? Were you not grateful for that dull light source in your time of need?
To wrap this up, you may never come in contact with a Junior, but you will find people in your school, in your workplace, or even in your church who seem to be trapped in a pitch black room. May I encourage you to be a light in their darkness? As a believer, we possess the solution to their problems(Jesus Christ). Your light may just be a simple smile, hug, or an encouraging word. There are so many people out there like Junior. They need you and I (not to preach to them or beat them over the head with the Bible), but to simply be a walking talking example of Jesus in our modern world.
!!!Pray for these men online who seek after young girls. They need more love and less judgement. The devil has a hold on their mind. Pray for those chains to break… in the name of Jesus Christ.
*Please share if this was encouraging to you. Thank you! 🙂

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