For a good while now, the Lord has been showing me a particular group of people who I need to pour into. There are not many platforms for them and some of them feel as though there is something wrong with them due to their current status.

Coach Shaunie’s Blog will now be more geared towards Christian Single Ladies who desire to get married in the future. Yes, I will still be posting about other everyday stuff and devotionals, but for the most part the content will be for my target audience.

If you happen to be a married woman on here, your wisdom, knowledge and experience would be greatly appreciated. You may even be able to learn from some posts and apply them to your marriage.

I am very excited about this change. Instead of trying to reach and help every female, I’ve narrowed it down to one particular group.

Expect the raw, unedited versions of topics that you may not hear about in your church, school, or from your parents. So many issues, concerns, and questions are not being addressed because people are embarrassed or ashamed to speak up. I strongly believe that knowledge is power. When you know better you DO better. Let’s stop sweeping things under the rug and expecting them to magically disappear. Let’s address whatever it is, learn from each other and go on to being better women because of it.

Hope you’re as enthused as I am about this new direction.


*Send me topics you would like me to address.

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  1. Pingback: tigger onesie

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