You earnestly pray to God for him to send your husband. You talk to your family and your friends about how excited you are to finally experience everything you’ve imagined with this person. Nothing wrong with this. Nothing at all. The issue some young women have is they’re so busy all the time.
If you truly desire to become a wife one day…And a darn good one, I suggest you check your list of priorities. First of all, if you are busy running all over the place, how will you even take notice of the young man who might be trying to get your attention? Even if God’s trying to speak to you, you won’t even take notice because you’re so busy being the girl on the go. You may have your usual one-way conversation with Him everyday, but you have to take time for Him to speak, to reveal things, to give you wisdom and discernment.
I used to be that girl who was involved in everything and in most cases was a part of the leadership teams. I specifically remember one night I was in my closet picking out work close for the next day, while talking to God about this amazing guy I wanted in my life. His response nearly floored me. It was like my very own AHA moment.
I was getting into details about dates we could go on and other little things we could do as a couple and the Lord asked, “When would you find the time to do these things with him?” He stopped me dead in my tracks. I’d never thought about that. If Mr. Wonderful were to walk into my life, I’d be tied down to so many obligations that I wouldn’t have the time to invest into our relationship. How sad?
After that conversation, I began to check myself. Why was I involved in so many things…things that weren’t even tied to my purpose? I began to withdraw from those responsibilities, which caused me to finally have free time to do whatever I wanted. Don’t get me wrong, the free time was awesome, but it came with a price. Now that I’m no longer as involved as before, I get treated differently by those were once my leader. But it’s okay though. My free time causes me to be more at peace. I get to enjoy my life and create the balance I need. This is far greater than me struggling to please everyone. Wish I would’ve done it sooner.
Another thing the Lord revealed to me is to use my free time to date myself. By this I mean, going to
- the movies
- my favorite restaurants
- the mall
- the beach/pool
- a class of interest
- an art gallery
- the park
- a spa
When you get into the habit of doing this for yourself, there won’t be an issue making time to invest in your relationships.
Remember, no one called you to be SUPERWOMAN, so stop killing yourself trying to live up to this fictional character.
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