There are many distractions out there, whether it be family, associates, or the media. We are constantly bombarded with words and images that causes us to want what we don’t have. Though it is perfectly normal to have desires, if not properly managed, it can take us down paths we never imagined.

I came across this video last night and felt it would be great to share with you.

This is a major sacrifice, but could lead to amazing opportunities, breakthroughs, peace-of-mind, etc…

As you prepare for Mr.Right, you must first begin by putting your focus on the One who created him. Personally, I have decided to read through the book of Proverbs (the book all about wisdom). You are more than welcome to join me or if you feel you should be studying another book that’s completely fine. The purpose of the 31-Day Challenge is for you to deepen your relationship with the Lord. What better way to truly understand Him, than to purposely set aside time to dissect His love letter to you.

I recommend writing in a  journal as you go through this season, so you can document everything the Lord is doing IN you and THROUGH you.

Secondly, prepare for Mr.Right by focusing on yourself (not in a conceited way). I mean, be intentional about discovering who you were created to be.


Knowing who you are will make it easier to recognize Mr.Right when he crosses your path.

Finally, prepare for Mr.Right by focusing on the things you would want in a man…YOUR man. What are those things that would be deal breakers for you? What are some of your preferences that you could possibly compromise on? What are some character traits and values that are ideal for you? Think about it. As you grow through this challenge, pray for your Mr. Right. Ask the Lord to guide him…to protect him. Ask the Lord to keep him pure in this season as he prepares for you.

Really hope you’ll join me on this 31-Day journey. If you are like me and struggle to stay consistent with stuff like this and you need accountability, let me know.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

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