From before she took her first breath, she was a threat to the devil. Unwanted by her own father, her mother pushed through, doing the best she could for her unborn.
After 9 months, her gender was revealed and somehow that caused a change of heart for her father. Interesting huh? For you see, up until that Monday afternoon, not a finger was lifted to try to help her mother whatsoever. Everything was on her to prepare for their child. With carrying an unwanted baby, the “easy” way out is to have an abortion. Thankfully, her mother never entertained those desires. The devil had lost that battle and he was pissed about it.
After her precious birth, she became a daddy’s girl, instantly. During her childhood they were inseparable…wherever you saw one you saw the other. She was often sick and there were no precise explanations of the cause. And even through the doctor visits and the surgeries, she remained a very bubbly, optimistic individual. No matter what the devil threw at her she conquered…with a smile.
As she grew to be a young lady, she began to realize why the devil tried so hard to keep her from taking her first breath. Even throughout her teenage years he was quite persistent. He caused her to doubt…to believe she had no value…no purpose. Not even two decades had gone by and she was ready to give up on life. Hurt and shame was a substantial burden to carry.
She thanks the Lord each and everyday for the people he had strategically placed in her life. Vertebra by vertebra, her posture began improving. She started to lift her head again. Her vibrancy had returned. Her purpose had been revealed.
After this revelation, she promised herself she would turn around and intentionally help other people towards this new found Freedom (a sense of worth, peace, and joy).
Every time the devil tries to step in, she boldly impedes, “You should’ve killed me when you had the chance.”
**This piece was inspired by my own life story. I have realized that I am a threat to the devil and instead of me being fearful because of it, I have learned to receive it as a huge compliment. He wanted to cancel my birth because he knew my purpose before I did.
***I know there are some people who have not discovered their purpose as yet. I will be writing about that in a future blog. Hope this was some type of encouragement for you.
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