I’ve heard the story of the 10 lepers, mentioned in Luke 17:11-19, many times, but never read it for myself. This passage is so powerful.
It ties into something I’ve been mindful of lately…gratitude. Gratitude is such a simple thing, but we tend to overlook it or over-complicate it.
Let’s look at some things that were highlighted to me from the passage:
In verse 13, all 10 lepers were crying out for Jesus to help them. In verse 14, Jesus gave them two very easy-to-follow instructions:
- 1. Go.
- 2. Show yourself to the priests.
Jesus didn’t pray over them or lay hands on them. This meant that their healing would happen once they obeyed the instructions. Actually, no, their healing was relying on their obedience to go (as well as having faith that by the time they reach the priests, they would be completely healed).
I wonder if we miss out on the miraculous because we are hung up on the fact that Jesus didn’t follow the procedures we have laid up in our minds, from what we’ve seen, heard, or fabricated.
Okay so He didn’t touch you—–he didn’t throw His arms around you, allowing you to run down the “woe is me” list you’ve created in your head (size 12 Arial font, single spaced, and categorized by the level of hurt you experienced over the years).
The first instruction to you may sound similar to what Jesus told the lepers:
- Go
- Start
- Leave
- Save
- Move
- Delete
- Block
- Read
- Write
Don’t be so quick to receive another set of instructions. Begin with what the one that was already given.
In verse 15, we see that out of the ten lepers, only one felt the need to return to Jesus to express his gratitude.
Verse 16 points out that this man wasn’t even a Jew. He was a Samaritan—the one you’d least likely expect to return to praise the Jesus, especially the way he did.
I wonder if this meant that the other nine lepers were Jews? ? Have you noticed that it’s most often the heathens (the ones least likely to give their life to the Lord), that becomes the most radical, after being saved?
And finally, like in verses 17-18, don’t be surprised when the people you thought would never come the Lord, become the loudest for the kingdom and shift things around because other believers were too focused on being politically correct—-allowing the world to be louder than the Creator, Himself.
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